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Three Analysts who joined in 2020 gave an insight into their work lives, and some words of wisdom for anyone applying for an entry-level position at Two Circles.
Applications for entry-level Analyst roles across our London, Paris and Bern offices are currently open. The deadline for current applications is February 12, with successful candidates joining Two Circles from April 2022.
Koya Sanwo (left – joined August 2020), Sophie Behan (centre – joined January 2020) and Ben Robinson (right – joined August 2020) are all Analysts at Two Circles.
What are you working on currently?
Koya Sanwo: A few different clients. Southampton FC – where we support a range of business areas including ticketing, hospitality and retail – The Jockey Club, and GB Snowsport.
Sophie Behan: Currently I’m working across a few different clients including Red Bull Racing and Harlequins Rugby.
Ben Robinson: FIFA, France 2023 and Wasps rugby.
What attracted you to Two Circles?
KS: The opportunity to work across so many different sports and business areas. And as a massive football fan, the opportunity to work with Premier League football clubs in particular was a huge draw.
SB: I did a degree in biomedical engineering and I really like science, data and logic. Combine that with the fact that, probably since I could walk, I’ve wanted to be in or around sport. Marry those two things up and Two Circles provided a really awesome opportunity.
BR: The range of clients – from some of the biggest global rights-holders like FIFA and the NFL down to the challenger properties like RugbyX and SailGP. I felt as someone looking to build a career in sport, Two Circles would give me a really good sense of the industry from all angles and you can’t get that from many companies.
What experience did you have before joining, and how is that benefitting you now?
KS: I’ve always been very passionate about sport and that led to a lot of sports-related volunteering at a grassroots level over the last few years. I think this helped me understand what clients are looking for when growing their own audiences.
SB: Firstly, playing team sports as I feel that same kind of camaraderie working on teams here at Two Circles and the drive to make the team work to the best of its capabilities. Like Koya, I think experiences I had working with sports-based charities have helped – seeing how powerful sport is, that it’s much more than people just playing a game, and how it can be a catalyst for the big societal changes in the world. That has given me wider context of the work that I do now and an extra drive to have maximum impact for clients. Before joining I was also a teacher so being up to speed on my physics and maths really helped!
BR: Studying languages has been really beneficial. There’s a strong linguist community at Two Circles and already I’ve already been able to work and present to clients in French. It’s nice to be able to use your degree in the working world!
How did you find starting a new job in 2020?
KS: Luckily, when restrictions were eased I had a few opportunities to head into the (London) office, which means I’ve had the chance to meet some Two Circlers – but I definitely haven’t had the opportunity to meet as many as I would have liked! Fortunately at Two Circles everyone’s made a big effort to make sure we get to know each other, even if it’s from behind the screen.
SB: I was fortunate to join in January (2020), so I had a couple of months in the office and that was really great to meet people. Since lockdown Two Circles have put in a huge amount of work to make sure that we’re connected – a big part of the company is the team’s spirit and I can still feel that strongly. Even when we’re having to stay at least two metres apart…
BR: Starting a job in lockdown has been strange, but everyone has been really supportive and has being reaching out lots. So I already feel like I’m part of the team.
Brilliant to bring the team together (virtually) and enjoy some Christmas entertainment today in true Two Circles style ??
— Two Circles (@TwoCirclesSport) December 10, 2020
What advice would you give for someone applying to become an Analyst at Two Circles?
KS: I think it’s important you demonstrate sports industry knowledge – so keep up to date with anything that’s happening in the sports world at the moment, in particular how the pandemic is affecting sport. But the main thing I realised through my own process was that in any interview, the people you’re speaking to really just want to get to know you. Conversations aren’t as stressful as you might imagine!
SB: Be yourself and figure out what’s driven you to apply. You obviously care about sport – otherwise you wouldn’t be applying – but why do you care specifically about the business of sport? What is it about the specific role that you like? Secondly, in any interview you will be talking to people you’re going to be working with every day and they want to see the real you. So just be yourself. Once you’ve got those two big things nailed, you’re ready to go.
BR: Don’t be put off if you haven’t had experience working with data. I’m a linguist! Data is something you can pick up really quickly and you’ve also got an amazing network experts within the company who will help you learn rapidly.
Read more about what we look for in Two Circles Analysts and apply to join the team.